ARR 2023 - Secrets of Success: A Remarkable Night

Pic Courtesy: DMY Creation Facebook Well, those who are in my closed circle know that I'm an ardent fan of Harris Jayaraj. I've also written a special entry for the man here  when I attended his concert. But, who would want to miss the Oscar-award winning Indian composer's concert after many years he had been to Malaysia?! Not me. I would definitely want to experience the live music from A.R. Rahman ; also celebrating 30 Years of ARR.  When A.R. Rahman 2023 - Secrets of Success live concert was announced to be held in Stadium Bukit Jalil on 28th January 2023 on  DMY Creation's Facebook , I was eager to attend it as it would be the first time of me going to ThalaivARR's concert! ( Thalaivar means Chief ). I managed to purchase the ticket on ticket opening day itself which was on 19th September 2022. Since then, I have been counting days to attend the live concert from the Grammy + Academy Award winning musician's concert. I really loved ARR's music and songs...

Make a Post With #HelloWeCan & Donate RM10!

Hope you all are doing good despite the mayhem that's going on in Malaysia and also around the world. Let's be positive in this dire situation and do our best for the good of us and people around us. Therefore, let me announce a good initiative taken by GSC Cinemas to fund mental health NGOs & NPOs in Malaysia.

All that you have to do is share a photo/video on your Instagram/TikTok or tweet with the hashtag #HelloWeCan and RM10 will be donated by GSC on behalf of you to the participating organisations! Make sure you also include uplifting and positive captions on your post besides the hashtag. The first 20,000 participants will also get a RM10 GrabMart voucher in return to your kindness!

If you don't want to post or your account is not public, fret not as you can donate directly to #HelloWeCan via GrabPay! 100% of the funds will be donated directly to Befrienders, Women's Aid Organisation (WAO), Mental Illness Awareness & Support Association (MIASA) and UMCares !

You can also win prizes under the category of 'Best Submissions'. More info:
And, guess what? My post on Instagram was noticed by GSC and they messaged me to inform me that RM10 will be channelled in regards to my post! I also got my GrabMart promo code from them!

Why wait? Create an encouraging post today on your social media and be a part of this humanitarian initiative by GSC and their partners! Who knows our post could ever help the needy out there, it's just as simple as that!

P/S This post is not endorsed by any brands/organisations. This was written to spread the good news to the netizens to take part of this wonderful initiative.


  1. Wow.....this is an awesome project by GSC Cinema. So any kind of post will do right? Ok, I will try. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes any kind of kind post haha... My best wishes!

  2. Encouraging post?? should support each other.. This is very good.. thanks for the sharing

  3. Ok. I will post mine soon. Thanks for letting me know about this. All for the good cause.

    1. Yes, all for a good cause. Its my pleasure to share this!

  4. I will do it too. Thanks for sharing this good news. We can donate with any way we need to do for who needed

    1. Exactly, and its my pleasure to share this!

  5. Peraduan ni best. Cepat betul dapat terus voucher rm 10. Nanti akak nak join lah. Bleh guna kat apps Grab. Hehehe. Tq share!

    1. Haha ye kak, boleh donate dan dapat baucer RM10 juga.

  6. Baru tau ni, boleh cuba nampak menarik.. nak kena baca fahamkan betul apa syaratnya.. tahanks for sharing..

  7. wahh menarik ni.. RM10 pun banyak sebenarnya.. boleh cuba .tq sebab berkongsi :-)

  8. Menarik nie boleh donate and dapat voucher RM10 jugak. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Bagus kempen nih . Sambil bersosial kita dapat memberi dan juga dapat apa yang kita beri. Terbaikk !!

    1. Sambil bersosial dan buat kebajikan, kan bagus.

  10. suka betul benda benda macam ni. donate, lepas tu kita pun dpt something. terbaik lah!


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