ARR 2023 - Secrets of Success: A Remarkable Night

Pic Courtesy: DMY Creation Facebook Well, those who are in my closed circle know that I'm an ardent fan of Harris Jayaraj. I've also written a special entry for the man here  when I attended his concert. But, who would want to miss the Oscar-award winning Indian composer's concert after many years he had been to Malaysia?! Not me. I would definitely want to experience the live music from A.R. Rahman ; also celebrating 30 Years of ARR.  When A.R. Rahman 2023 - Secrets of Success live concert was announced to be held in Stadium Bukit Jalil on 28th January 2023 on  DMY Creation's Facebook , I was eager to attend it as it would be the first time of me going to ThalaivARR's concert! ( Thalaivar means Chief ). I managed to purchase the ticket on ticket opening day itself which was on 19th September 2022. Since then, I have been counting days to attend the live concert from the Grammy + Academy Award winning musician's concert. I really loved ARR's music and songs

Back to Business!

What's up all? How have you all been doing?

Are you sick of the situation? Are you still gaining the courage to step out? Are you trying to work on something else to replace your retrenched job? Are you looking to meet the love of your life after quarantine? Are you struggling by any means e.g. depression as an impact of this whole nightmare? Are you still procrastinating to clean that dusty room?

Are you waiting to explore the somehow messed up but beautiful world? Are you taking forty winks in between online classes? Are you taking up any challenge on Instagram? Or are you just being grateful for every day you have passed?

Also read: Warming-up Session!

No matter what, my heartfelt wishes for you to endure this life successfully. I know it's hard for most of us physically, emotionally, mentally and by any means but all that we can do now is to be thankful for this life that some of the people are praying for. Well, if you ask me, I was (and still am) being affected too by the whole scenario. Who knows that virus will fly instead of cars in my most favorite and awaited year?

Anyway, I am building blocks in myself for a better future because pondering on the whole thing will not make any change. Therefore, I am having plans to monetize this blogging site of mine. But, fret not, you will still get a dozen of my own writings (mumbles) every now and then because, after all, this blog was made out of pure passion. Monetizing it is just for a passive income purpose.

I personally did some research on how the thing is going to work and don't mind if my blog posts spam your newsfeed. I assure it would not be so annoying though. I am also planning to invest my time and money into something good in future. I will also release my pending film projects on YouTube; too long in my editing software already.

I wrote this not to brag but just so I 've registered here, I will try to make ends meet or else please shove this article to my face lol. And, if and only if you realized, I 've created a new logo too and modified the look of my blog. Hope you'll like it or suggest where and how I can improve it!

I really hope from the bottom of my heart that all of you will be having a good and happy time after all. It's hard but trust me, this too shall pass. Just like how I took 3 months to write something back here.

Invest the good of time for yourself and the priority should take place in your happiness. Struggle now and savor later. Bad times will come and go, but life should go on. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, guys; lowkey quoting my pics! :p

Back to business, everybody. It's time to rebuild your empire!
